11:14. Check of serviceability of functioning, replacement and adjustment of the sensor switch of stoplights



1. Squeeze out a pedal of a foot brake and make sure of serviceability of operation of stoplights in assemblies of the back combined lamps.
2. If stoplights do not work, check a condition of the corresponding safety lock (see the Head Onboard electric equipment or the operation manual on the car). Also check a condition of filaments of lamps of stoplights in both back combined lamps, and also lamps of a stoplight of the top level.
3. If lamps and a safety lock as it should be, find the sensor switch installed in the top part of a pedal of a foot brake.

4. Disunite the electric socket of the sensor switch (see accompanying illustrations).

5. On the Civic models check conductivity between socket plugs 1 and 2. At the squeezed-out pedal of a foot brake conductivity has to take place, at released – no if these conditions are not satisfied, replace the sensor switch. on the Integra models use an ohmmeter and check conductivity between socket plugs B and C. Besides, at the squeezed-out pedal conductivity has to take place, at released – no. In case of need replace the sensor switch.



1. Disconnect an electrical wiring from the sensor switch.
2. Give a lock-nut on the party of the sensor switch turned to a pedal, then turn out the last from the basic arm.
3. Installation is made upside-down.



1. Release a lock-nut of the sensor switch and turn out the last so that its plunger rested against a pedal of a foot brake.
2. Weaken a lock-nut of a pusher and, rotating the last flat-nose pliers, adjust properly height of provision of a pedal (see Specifications).
3. Again strongly tighten a lock-nut.
4. Screw the sensor switch in an arm so that its plunger was completely drowned (the carving tip rests against an overlay of the lever of a pedal), then turn out it back on 1/2 turns and strongly tighten a lock-nut.
5. A hand squeeze out a pedal of a foot brake and measure the size of its free wheeling. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications. Make sure of serviceability of operation of stoplights when squeezing a brake pedal.