8.4. Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve (TPS)



1. Walk on an electrical wiring from TPS to a back part of the inlet pipeline and remove it from a partition of a motive compartment for the purpose of providing additional working space for check of reliability of fastening of sockets. Check durability of fixing of the socket on the sensor. Check landing durability in the socket of plugs and reliability of connection of wires to contact plugs.

2a. By means of the voltmeter measure the basic tension given from ECM/PCM. Connect the positive probe of the measuring instrument to the plug of a yellow-blue wire, ground the negative probe on weight. The voltmeter has to register the indication 5.0 B (see accompanying illustrations): TPS (Civic).

2b. TPS (Integra).

3. Now check the alarm tension of TPS. At the killed engine and completely closed butterfly valve connect voltmeter probes to the plug of a red-black wire and weight (see illustrations above). Gradually open the gate, watching indications of the voltmeter. At the blocked throttle the size of alarm tension has to make 0.5 B and, gradually, increasing, to reach value 4.5 B at full opening of the gate, otherwise replace TPS.

For connection of the voltmeter to the back party of plugs I will corrode conveniently to use the unbent metal office paper clip.

4. At identification of malfunctions in a chain the TPS system of self-diagnostics writes down in memory of ECM/PCM the corresponding code of malfunction (see System of onboard diagnostics (OBD) - the principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions). At the same time the module of management transfers system to emergency operation. Instead of TPS signal at the same time some average value allowing to keep adequate efficiency of return of the engine is used.


TPS is built in cases of a throttle and is replaced only as a part of all assembly (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).