4.1.2. Preparatory actions and the list of repair procedures which can be executed without extraction of the engine from the car
Make cleaning of a motive compartment and the external surfaces of the power unit with application of one of a wide range of special solvents. Such processing will allow to avoid hit of dirt in the engine.In case of need, the forthcoming work determined by character, it is possible to remove a cowl for the purpose of ensuring freedom of access to the components which are subject to repair (see the Head Kuzov). Cover car wings with special covers, or just old blankets in order to avoid casual damage of a paint and varnish covering.
If existence of suspicions on losses of depression or leak of oil, cooling liquid, the fulfilled gases, etc. indicates the need of performance of replacement of the corresponding laying or epiploons, practically any of the listed procedures can be executed without extraction of the engine from the car (in situ). Told concerns procedures of replacement of laying of the inlet pipeline and a final collector, the pallet of a case, head of cylinders, and also both epiploons of a bent shaft.
Dismantle, repair and installation of such external knots and hinged units as the inlet pipeline, final collector, the case pallet, the water pump, starter, the generator, the distributor of ignition and components of a power supply system can be also made by in situ.
As the head of cylinders can be removed from the engine without preliminary extraction of the power unit, repair of the camshaft and valvate mechanism can be also made directly on the car. Besides, in situ is usually made replacement of a belt and cogwheels of the GRM drive.
In an emergency performance without dismantle of the power unit of repair and replacement of piston rings, pistons, rods and conrod bearings of a bent shaft is allowed. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to abuse such opportunity in view of the difficulties connected with conditions of respect for purity and need of carrying out a number of preparatory procedures.