6.13. Removal and installation of the case of a throttle

Before starting performing procedures wait for full cooling of the engine!


1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that you have the correct combination for introduction of the equipment to action!

2. Remove the air sleeve connecting the air cleaner to the throttle case.
3. Disconnect an electrical wiring from sensors of provision of a butterfly valve (TPS) and absolute pressure in the pipeline (MAR) on the throttle case. Mark and disconnect vacuum hoses from the throttle case.
4. Disconnect from the lever of a butterfly valve a gas cable (see Removal, installation and adjustment of a cable of an accelerator) and a cable of the drive of a butterfly valve in the kick-down mode (model with AT – see 4-staged and stepless automatic transmissions (ат and cvt)).
5. Disconnect hoses of a cooling path from the throttle case. At once to a zakuporta the open ends of hoses for the purpose of minimization of losses of cooling liquid.

6a. Release throttle case fixture (4 nuts [the Integra models of 1994 of the issue], or two nuts and two bolts [other models]) (see accompanying illustrations). Separate the throttle case from the inlet pipeline and remove sealing laying. Carefully scratch out traces of old laying from the interfaced surfaces of the case of a throttle and the delivery camera of an air highway.

6b. Fixture of the case of a throttle of a niskhodyashche-line design.

7. Installation is made upside-down. Do not forget to replace sealing laying. Tighten fixture of the case of a throttle with the required effort. In conclusion make adjustment accelerator cables (see Removal, installation and adjustment of a cable of an accelerator) and the drive of a butterfly valve in the kick-down mode (see 4-staged and stepless automatic transmissions (ат and cvt)). Check the level of cooling liquid, in case of need make the corresponding adjustment.