6.2. Dropping pressure in a power supply system

Remember that gasoline is extremely flammable liquid! During the work with components of a power supply system observe all taken measures of fire safety. You do not smoke and do not approach the venue of works with naked flame or the carrying unprotected by the lamp shade. You do not make service of system in the pomeeniye equipped with the heating devices using natural gas and equipped with a control torch (such as vodogre and dryers for clothes). Do not forget that gasoline is among cancerogenic substances, i.e. substances promoting development of cancer – try not to allow hits it on open parts of the body, use rubber protective gloves, at casual unforeseen contact with fuel carefully wash out hands warm water with soap. Immediately collect the spilled fuel and do not put the rags impregnated with fuel and lubricants near sources of naked flame. Remember that the power supply system of the models equipped with injection of fuel constantly is under pressure. Before starting a detachment of fuel lines, dump residual pressure in system. At service of components of a power supply system put on goggles. Constantly hold near at hand the class B fire extinguisher!


1. Find the socket of an electrical wiring of the fuel pump (see Removal and installation of the fuel pump) and disunite it. Start the engine and wait for its spontaneous stop. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that you have the correct combination for input of the audio system in action! On all models rewrite settings of the radio receiver.

2. Having uncovered a jellied mouth, dump excessive pressure in the fuel tank.
3. Having released nipple connection of a fuel pipe on the case of the fuel filter, dump residual pressure in system. On models till 1996 dumping of residual pressure is made by the issue by weakening of the service bolt screwed in a hollow bolt of nipple connection. On later models actually hollow bolt is weakened (service it is not provided here).

4. The otpuskaniye of nipple connection requires two wrenches. On the models equipped with a service bolt, the second key is used for keeping from a provorachivaniye of a hollow bolt. Where actually hollow bolt is weakened, the second key serves for keeping from a provorachivaniye of nipple knot of the fuel line (see an accompanying illustration).

5. For collecting the spilled fuel wrap up nipple connection of the fuel filter rags.
6. Holding a hollow bolt or the socket of a fuel pipe from a provorachivaniye the second key, slowly weaken the first a service/hollow bolt – fuel will begin to exude through a knot joint. Having waited for full dumping of pressure, turn out a bolt finally. Do not forget to replace a sealing washer of service hollow bolt of a washer.
7. Having finished service of a power supply system, screw a service/hollow bolt on the regular place and tighten it with the required effort.