4.2.17. Check of a state and replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit

Support of a suspension bracket of the power unit extremely seldom need attention, however the damaged pillows have to be replaced without any delay in order to avoid increase of loadings and premature wear of components of the transmission line.



1. For check it is necessary to raise slightly the engine, having unloaded support.
2. The car also establish to Poddomkratta it on props. Get a jack under the engine case pallet (for the purpose of distribution of loading lay wooden whetstone between a head of a jack and the pallet). Cock a jack, having slightly raised the engine and having unloaded support.

Do not perform any works under the car, the lifted situation withheld in by means of only one jack at all!

3. Check pillows of support for existence of cracks, signs of hardening of rubber and separation from the metal basis. Sometimes pillows begin to break right in the middle.
4. Estimate side play size between components of support and the power unit / frame of the car (as the lever use mount or the big screw-driver). In case of identification of a side play lower the unit and tighten fixture of support.
5. Pillows in order to avoid destruction of rubber have to be processed by special protective structure.



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery. The car also establish to Poddomkratta it on props. Prop up the engine (see paragraph 2 above).

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that you have the correct combination for input of the audio system in action!

2. Release fixture, raise the engine a jack and remove a support, having separated it from an arm of a frame and the engine.

3a. Replace a pillow. Track correctness of landing of assembly in an arm Screw fixture and strongly tighten it (see accompanying illustrations): verkhy support of the engine.

3b. Right side support of the transmission.

3c. Right forward support of the transmission.

3d. Back support of the engine.

3e. The right pereny support (on a back partition of a motive compartment).